Old packaging to new. Two variations allow markets to adhere to their local preferences and regulations.
A brand refresh to excite Gen-Next.
5 Gum had an ambitious plan to enable growth through new product development while also exploring beyond-product opportunities. They wanted to partner with an agency who understood the brand, had a nimble, flexible working speed and a straightforward approach that dovetailed with their thinking and global markets.
FIVE is an explorer brand in a challenger position. It was born to recruit young consumers, and lives to continuously woo them with new experiences. To support this position and their growth opportunities, we worked with the team to rearchitect the brand with a global redesign.
Based on some of the strongest and most definitive research results we have ever seen for the Gen Z target audience, we created the methodology for the brand architecture – the 5 experience curve enables the brand to come alive on the packaging and beyond. We designed a flexible brand identity that was built for the brand world, not just the pack and has the ability to support new product development, seasonal campaigns, partner with other like-minded brands, work across international markets and have great in-store stand out.
Straight Forward is a true partner. They have been some of the biggest brains behind our brand relaunch and we wouldn’t be in the place we are without them. Not only do they understand the consumer but they have their finger on the pulse of the world around them leading to a truly amazing perspective that collides with your beliefs in the best way possible. I think the best part of working with them is that you have a lot of fun the whole time.